Consider and take action on a resolution directing city staff to increase the senior (65 years or
older) and/or disabled residential homestead tax exemption from $75,000 to $100,000 in the
upcoming property tax rate ordinance (Council Member Cones, Mayor Pro Tem Hicks, and
Council Member Chadwell)
Council postponed 5-3-0 on June 11, 2024.
A motion was made by Mr. Hicks, seconded by Mr. Cones, to approve Resolution No.
2024-113 directing city staff to increase the senior (65 years or older) and/or disabled
residential homestead tax exemption from $75,000 to $100,000 in the upcoming property tax
rate ordinance. The motion passed by the following vote:
8 -
Mayor Long, Mr. Mann, Mr. Cones, Mr. Crews, Mr. Chadwell, Mr. Hicks, Mr.
Tressler and Mr. Saunders
Consider and take action on an ordinance amending Division 2, entitled "Code of Ethics", of
Article II, entitled “City Council”, of Chapter 2, entitled "Administration" to clarify and
consolidate several sections of the City's Ethics Code (Council Member Tressler, Council
Member Chadwell and Council Member Saunders)
Council postponed 5-3-0 on June 11, 2024.
A motion was made by Mr. Tressler, seconded by Mr. Hicks, to approve Ordinance No.
2024-24 amending Division 2, entitled "Code of Ethics", of Article II, entitled “City
Council”, of Chapter 2, entitled "Administration" to clarify and consolidate several sections
of the City's Ethics Code on First Reading. The motion passed by the following vote:
8 -
Mayor Long, Mr. Mann, Mr. Cones, Mr. Crews, Mr. Chadwell, Mr. Hicks, Mr.
Tressler and Mr. Saunders
Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a conditional drilling permit for the
Stewart Title #1 site, located along the north side of Ervin Street, approximately 930 feet east of
Hobbs Road and 1,500 feet west of Calder Drive, in accordance with Chapter 42, Article III of
the League City Code of Ordinances, entitled Oil and Gas Well Drilling (Director of Planning)
Council postponed 8-0-0 on June 11, 2024.
A motion was made by Mr. Cones, seconded by Mr. Hicks, to approve Resolution No.
2024-114 authorizing a conditional drilling permit for the Stewart Title #1 site, located
along the north side of Ervin Street, approximately 930 feet east of Hobbs Road and 1,500 feet
west of Calder Drive, in accordance with Chapter 42, Article III of the League City Code of
Ordinances, entitled Oil and Gas Well Drilling. The motion passed by the following vote:
8 -
Mayor Long, Mr. Mann, Mr. Cones, Mr. Crews, Mr. Chadwell, Mr. Hicks, Mr.
Tressler and Mr. Saunders