Consider and act on a resolution authorizing Work Change Directive 2 to the construction contract with McDonald Municipal & Industrial, Inc. for the Annual Odor Control at Smith and Butler Lane (WW2001C), in an amount not to exceed $29,530 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)
If approved, this resolution will authorize Work Change Directive 2 with McDonald Municipal & Industrial, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $29,530 related to the Smith Lane lift station portion of the contract.
On May 14, 2024, the Council approved a construction contract agreement with McDonald Municipal & Industrial, Inc to perform construction services related to the Annual Odor Control at Smith and Butler Lane (WW2001C) in the amount of $516,369. Unrelated to this odor control project, Public Works had to undertake an emergency force main repairs on Smith Lane which impacted the lift station site as well. Since McDonald Municipal & Industrial, Inc. was better suited to implement the lift station site repairs than the emergency line repair contractors, two (2) Work Change Directives were ensued.
On August 27, 2024, Work Change Directive 1 was approved to allow for needed electrical repairs related to an emergency force main to be implemented to allow the station to be put back in service as soon as possible. During the force main emergency repairs, some conduits, wiring, electrical service, concrete works and other electrical works had to be removed and replaced to able to repair the force main leading to the lift station. Available unused bid items helped reduce the size of this Work Change Directive to a net contract increase of $36,650 and was approved administratively since it was below $50,000. This WCD did not include site work needed to complete the emergency repair work at the lift station. Scope had to be defined upon completion of the electrical works.
On December 2, 2024, McDonald Municipal submitted the Work Change Directive 2 to do the pavement and fence repairs in the amount of $29,530. The Work Change Directive 2 is being presented to the City Council as the total of the two Work Change Directives is now a net increase of $66,180, requiring Council’s approval.
Summary of Amounts:
1. Original Contract: $ 516,369
2. Work Change Directive No. 1: $ 36,650
3. Work Change Directive No. 2: $ 29,530
Total Amended Contract Amount: $ 582,549
1) Resolution
2) Exhibit A - Work Change Directive 2 & Proposal
3) Original Contract Agreement
4) Approved WCD No. 1& Proposal
5) Lift Station Site Photos
6) CIP Project Sheet
7) CIP Aerial Map
{X} Funding in the amount of $29,530 is available from the construction contingency balance of $14,677, and the remaining $14,853 is available from Miscellaneous Utility Fund, 1055, fund balance with expense charged to project expense string WW2001C-CONSTRUCT-CONSTRUCT-RS CASH.
{X} Addresses Strategic Planning Critical Success Factor #1: Develop and Maintain our Infrastructure.