Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a professional services agreement with Clark Condon Associates for design, bid and award, and construction phase services related to the Kilgore-Davis Tract Parkland Trail Project (PK2205) in an amount not to exceed $511,864.50 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)
Approval of this resolution will authorize a professional services agreement with Clark Condon Associates to perform the landscape architectural design, bid and award, and construction phase services related to the Kilgore-Davis Tract Parkland Trail Project (PK2205).
The purpose of this project is to continue to upgrade existing park facilities as outlined in the 2017 Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan. The 28.47-acre park land was dedicated to the City in the late 1980s and early 1990s and came from the Kilgore and Davis families. The project is the first phase of development of this park land and will include concrete trails at ground level as well as elevated boardwalks and overlook areas for viewing wildlife along Clear Creek.
This park, the Kilgore-Davis Tract, was one of three (3) site-specific park improvements within the Clear Creek Master Plan approved in 2023 by City Council. Within the Kilgore Davis Tract Park Concept, this shoreline trail was a major feature (see attachment 4.). The trail will connect Heritage Park and the planned Kayak Launch at the end of Kansas Avenue along Clear Creek. This undeveloped area of parkland is a total of 28.47 acres in size. The trail can eventually connect with the planned Heritage Signature Trail, which will provide a route between League Park and Heritage Park within the Historical District.
Clark Condon Associates has submitted a proposal to perform Design, Bid & Award, and Construction Phase services for a budget not to exceed $511,864.50, which includes the following major task categories and budgets:
Basic Services $307,500.00
Supplemental Services $155,664.50
Optional Additional Services $48,700.00
GRAND TOTAL $511,864.50
Design phase is proposed be completed within 270 days, excluding City and approving-agencies’ review and approval periods, followed by bid and construction phases.
An updated cost estimate of the entire trail and boardwalk system was not available prior to the completion of the FY2024 CIP Budget; in which the design was budgeted at $125,000. The additional funds outside of the budgeted amount will come from the Park Dedication Fee’s fund balance. A revised construction cost estimate, based on the scope outlined with Clark Condon Associates, will be provided during the FY2025 CIP Budget process; the current cost estimate is $3.5 million, as shown in the approved Clear Creek Master Plan, with construction planned for FY2026. This project is eligible for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) Local Park Grant, General Land Office Coastal Management Program (CMP) funding, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) grants.
1. Proposed Resolution
2. Exhibit A - PSA w/Proposal
3. Kilgore - Davis Tract Park Concept - Clear Creek Master Plan
4. CIP Project Sheet
5. CIP Aerial Map
6. Vendor Report Card
{X} Funding in the amount of $511,864.50 is available from Park Dedication Fees, fund 5020, with expenses charged to project expense string PK2205- PLAN DESIGN - DESIGN - PARK DED.
{X} Addresses Strategic Planning Critical Success Factor #1: Develop and Maintain our Infrastructure.