Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a Local On-System Improvement Agreement with TxDOT that will allow the City to construct certain improvements for the League City Pkwy Right-Turn Lane from Calder Road to Butler Road (ST2004) (Executive Director of Capital Projects)
Approval of this resolution will authorize TxDOT to proceed with approval of construction plans associated with the League City Pkwy Right-Turn Lane from Calder Road to Butler Road Project (ST2004).
Under Texas Transportation Code, Section 201.103, TxDOT is responsible for the design, construction and operation of the state highway system. A portion of this project falls within the TxDOT jurisdiction and therefore must receive prior approval from TxDOT. TxDOT requires a Local On-System Improvement Agreement (LOSA) be prepared for any local government work that involves any improvements within TxDOT ROW totaling over $50. While the LOSA has no financial obligations to either party, it is required to obtain a TxDOT permit. A TxDOT Permit is needed for the work within IH 45 ROW. The construction phase of this project is currently funded through Galveston County Bond Funds and the City’s GO Bond as part of the “Matching Funds for Partnership” project.
The scope of this project is to add an eastbound right-turn lane from 450 linear feet west of Butler Road to 300 linear feet west of IH 45 Southbound Frontage Road, and tie to TxDOT right-turn lane. Project detailed scope includes:
• Existing storm sewer adjustments: Inlet leads, and Inlets
• Traffic Control Plan
• Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
• 2,200 Linear Feet of 12-foot-wide, 8-inch thick concrete pavement.
• Adjustments of traffic signals at Butler Road
• Modifications to Calder Road intersection which includes a S-Median
• Signing and Marking Improvements
• Sidewalk Improvements
• ROW Acquisition
The design was approved by the City on May 16, 2024, and the project can be bid upon receipt of approval and permit from TxDOT. Provided herein is a draft agreement to which the approved resolution will be attached. This resolution is required as part of the TxDOT approval. The overall construction cost is estimated at $1,724,345.98 however, the anticipated construction cost within TxDOT right-of-way is valued at $605,752.19
1. Proposed Resolution
2. Exhibit A - LOSA - League City Parkway Right-Turn Lane from Calder Road to Butler Road (ST2004)
3. CIP Project Sheet
4. CIP Aerial Map
{X} No Funding Required for this Resolution
{X} Addresses Strategic Planning Critical Success Factor #1: Develop and Maintain our Infrastructure