File #: 25-0040    Version: 1 Name: Transmission Waterline Assessment and Rehab(WT####)
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 1/9/2025 In control: Capital Projects
On agenda: 1/28/2025 Final action: 1/28/2025
Title: Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a professional services agreement with Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. for the Phase 1 - Preliminary Engineering related to the Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation of the City’s large diameter transmission waterlines (WT2501) in an amount not to exceed $245,824 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)
Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolution, 2. Exhibit A-Professional Services Agreement w/Proposal, 3. CIP Project Sheet, 4. CIP Aerial Map (Modif), 5. Vendor Report Card


Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a professional services agreement with Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. for the Phase 1 - Preliminary Engineering related to the Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation of the City’s large diameter transmission waterlines (WT2501) in an amount not to exceed $245,824 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)



Approval of this resolution will authorize a professional services agreement with Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. for the Phase 1 - Preliminary Engineering related to the Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation of the City’s large diameter transmission waterlines (WT2501) in an amount not to exceed $245,824.


This Preliminary Engineering phase is part of a multi-phase and year program to plan, conduct condition assessment, and rehabilitate and/or replace City’s ~50-year-old, 42-inch and 39-inch diameter, steel cylinder water supply transmission lines currently serving as the League City’s primary surface water source from the City of Houston’s Southeast Water Purification Plant.  The approximately 20,000-foot transmission line is primarily located along State Highway 3 and Calder Road starting from the SH 3 Booster Station in Webster and ending near League City Parkway.  This phase of the project will provide a preliminary engineering assessment and report that highlights areas of concern, potential construction interferences, any permitting that may be required, construction estimates and an implementation phasing plan.


As part of the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan, this project is scheduled to provide design and construction phase services spread over the next 4 Fiscal Years (FY2025-2028) with anticipated repairs/replacements budgeted just under $20 million over that time frame. This budget will be updated throughout the implementation phases of the program as pipe conditions are assessed in more detail. 



1.                     Proposed Resolution

2.                     Exhibit A - Professional Services Agreement w/Proposal

3.                     CIP Project Sheet

4.                     CIP Aerial Map (Modif.)

5.                     Vendor Report Card



{X} Funding in the amount of $245,824 is available from fund 1055, Miscellaneous Utility Capital Projects Fund, with expenses charged to project expense string WT2501-PLAN DESIGN-DESIGN- RS CASH.



{X} Addresses Strategic Planning Critical Success Factor #1: Develop and Maintain our Infrastructure.