Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a professional services agreement with ARKK Engineers, LLC for final design, ROW acquisition and other additional services, and construction administration phase services related to the FM 518 Waterline Replacement Project - SH 3 to FM 270 (WT1904G) in an amount not to exceed $639,517 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)
Approval of this resolution will authorize a professional services agreement with ARKK Engineers, LLC for final design, ROW acquisition and other additional services, and construction administration phase services related to the FM 518 Waterline Replacement Project - SH 3 to FM 270 (WT1904G). This project is part of the Annual Waterline Upgrades and Replacement project which consists of replacing aging waterlines and upsizing waterlines to meet demand. Funding for this project was split between two fiscal years. Preliminary design was completed in FY2024.
The scope of this work consists of providing final design services associated with the replacement of the existing 10-inch diameter waterline along FM 518, from the east of State Highway 3 intersection through the FM 270 intersection with a new 12-inch diameter waterline. The total footage of waterline to be installed is approximately 7,600 linear feet of 12-inch and 8-inch pipes. Based on a preliminary cost estimate performed by consultant, ARKK Engineers, the estimated construction cost for the waterline replacement is $3,000,000 which is planned to be constructed in two bid packages due to easement acquisition schedule.
In preliminary phase of the project completed earlier in 2024, ARKK Engineers completed all surveying, easements were identified, and a 30% plan-set showing the waterline alignment was developed. The final design phase is expected to take 270 days, however, time required to acquire TxDOT, USACE, and UP Railroad Permits will delay final approval of plans. In addition to these permits, we are requiring 27 waterline easements. Due to the large volume of easements, staff is proposing contracting out 20 of the acquisitions and performing the remaining 7 inhouse to coincide with the bid package 1 construction.
ARKK Engineers will provide final design, bid and award, and construction administration phase services, as summarized below:
Final Design (2 plan set pkgs.) $173,500
Bid & Award (2 pkgs.) $13,500
Construction Administration (2 pkgs.) $69,500
Total Additional Services (2 pkgs.) $383,017
TOTAL $639,517
1. Proposed Resolution
2. Exhibit A - Professional Services Agreement with Proposal
3. CIP Project Sheet
4. CIP Aerial Map (Modif.)
5. Vendor Report Card
{X} A grant in the amount of $50,000 was received from the Southeast Texas Housing Finance Corporation (SETH) to be used towards infrastructure work in low to moderate income (LMI) area. The funds were deposited into revenue account in Fund 1055. The remaining $589,517 is available from Fund 1055 Miscellaneous Capital Projects, with total expenses ($639,517) charged to project expense string WT1904G-PLAN DESIGN-DESIGN 3-RS CASH.
{X} Addresses Strategic Planning Critical Success Factor #1: Develop and Maintain our Infrastructure