Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing Change Order No. 1 with ISJ Underground Utilities, LLC related to the East Main 24-inch Force Main Replacement Project (WW1801I) in an amount of $189,600 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)
Approval of this item will authorize Change Order No. 1 with ISJ Underground Utilities, LLC related to the East Main 24-inch Force Main Replacement Project (WW1801I) in an amount of $189,600.
On September 10, 2024, City Council awarded the construction contract for the East Main 24-inch Force Main Replacement Project (WW1801I) to ISJ Underground Utilities, LLC. in the amount of $3,247,245.
To avoid a potential catastrophic failure of existing 24-inch force main along and under FM 2094 during the replacement project, wastewater operation opted to bypass the entire existing force main from Genco Canal to west of Coryell Street. To accomplish this, the existing steel pipe aerial crossing, which was to remain in place, was to be cut and connected to the emergency long distance bypass piping. During this retrofitting, excavation and field observations determined that the condition of the existing steel pipe crossing at the FM 2094 bridge over the Genco Canal was worse than anticipated (this segment has been repaired once before).
While this segment is newer than the original underground force main, it is over 12 years old and been exposed to corrosive environment inside which will make it more susceptible to future leaks at joints and failures. This condition raised major concerns for City’s wastewater operation staff over the long-term integrity of this existing aerial crossing relative to the design life of the new PVC force main being installed. To avoid a future failure over the Genco Canal, it was determined that best course of action is to replace the aerial crossing with new fully-restraint ductile iron pipe. This change order 1 includes the cost of new 24-inch ductile iron pipe, fittings, inside and outside coatings, anchor straps and all other appurtenances to accomplish this replacement. This also includes the cost of a temporary above-ground bypass “jumper line” that will connect to the newly installed PVC force main on either side of the Genco Canal bridge.
Due to emergency nature of the work on this 24-inch force main replacement and short window of time to secure pipe material, Change Order No. 1 was approved administratively on November 26, 2024. Only one local supplier had the 24-inch pipe on hand and multiple projects were interested in it. All other suppliers would need at least 12 weeks for fabrication and delivery of pipe. This would not only delay the completion of the project, but it could have potentially caused existing aerial pipe to fail during testing or shortly after the new force main is put in service.
With approval of Change Order No. 1, the contract amount will be adjusted as follows:
Original Contract Amount $ 3,247,245
Change Order No. 1 $ 189,600
Adjusted Contract Amount $ 3,436,845
1. Proposed Resolution
2. Exhibit A - Change Order No. 1 and Proposal
3. Force Main Aerial Crossing Photo & Drawing
4. Executed Original Contract
5. CIP Project Sheet
6. CIP Aerial Map (Modif.)
{X} Funding in the amount of $189,600 is available from the Construction Contingency, Fund 1055, with expenses charged to project expense string WW1801I-CONSTRUCT-CONSTRUCT-RS CASH.
{X} Addresses Strategic Planning Critical Success Factor #1: Develop and Maintain our Infrastructure.