File #: 25-0007    Version: 1 Name: Second Reading - SUP Gas Station
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 12/18/2024 In control: Planning
On agenda: 1/14/2025 Final action: 1/14/2025
Title: Consider and take action on Ordinance No. 2024-55, an ordinance adopting a Special Use Permit, SUP-24-0004, (KSSGH Gas Station/C-Store), to allow a gas station with a convenience store (Vehicle Fueling Station use) on approximately 2.363 acres zoned “CG” (General Commercial), generally located along the west side of the Gulf Freeway South (Interstate Highway 45), with the address of 2261 Gulf Freeway, League City, Texas, 77573 - Second Reading (Director of Planning) Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval, 7-0-0, on December 2, 2024, subject to conditions with one member absent. City Council approved the first reading, 8-0-0 subject to conditions.
Attachments: 1. Ordinance No. 2024-55, 2. Exhibit A, 3. Exhibit B


Consider and take action on Ordinance No. 2024-55, an ordinance adopting a Special Use Permit, SUP-24-0004, (KSSGH Gas Station/C-Store), to allow a gas station with a convenience store (Vehicle Fueling Station use) on approximately 2.363 acres zoned “CG” (General Commercial), generally located along the west side of the Gulf Freeway South (Interstate Highway 45), with the address of 2261 Gulf Freeway, League City, Texas, 77573 - Second Reading (Director of Planning)


Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval, 7-0-0, on December 2, 2024, subject to conditions with one member absent.


City Council approved the first reading, 8-0-0 subject to conditions.



August 10, 1999 - The property was initially zoned as “CG” General Commercial.

April 15, 2024 - The applicant held a Neighborhood Meeting. No neighbors attended the meeting. 

June 18, 2024 - A Pre-Development Meeting for this proposed use was held.

August 12, 2024 - The SUP application was received and accepted by Staff.

November 15, 2024 - Public notice signs were posted on the Subject Tract, and notice letters were mailed to all property owners within 200’ of the Subject Tract.

November 15, 2024 - A legal notice of the public hearing was advertised in the Galveston County Daily News.

December 2, 2024 - A public hearing will be held, and the Planning and Zoning Commission will consider the request to make a recommendation to City Council.

December 17, 2024 - City Council held a public hearing and approved the item on a first reading. 

January 14, 2025 - City Council will consider the second reading of the request.


Project Summary:

If approved, a Special Use Permit will be granted to construct a gas station with a ±7,200-square-foot convenience store with 16 fueling pumps on the 2.363-acre property.


The Subject Tract is located along the west side of the frontage road of the Gulf Freeway, south of League City Parkway and north of Ballpark Way. Along the frontage road, the closest gas station is approximately 1.05 miles to the south and 1.8 miles to the north. Due to the lack of gas stations in immediate proximity along I-45, the proposed location would be suitable for a gas station.


Furthermore, the site will be enhanced with several features that exceed standard development requirements. The applicant plans to incorporate enhanced landscaping along the site's perimeter, clad the fuel pumping posts in masonry material, and install a monument sign with a masonry base. Staff is also recommending that the site be equipped with a generator that can operate all essential emergency fueling systems. This will allow for the gas station to be functional in the event of power loss, and this will be particularly beneficial in the aftermath of extreme weather events. 


The property conforms to the Future Land Use Map in the 2035 Comprehensive Plan, which identifies the area as EADC (Enhanced Auto Dominant Commercial). According to the 2035 Comprehensive Plan, Enhanced Auto-Dominant Commercial is focused on convenience and access for customers and employees exclusively by automobile.


On December 2, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing. No one spoke during the hearing.  The Commission recommended approval, subject to staff’s conditions by a vote of 7-0-0 with one member absent.


On December 17, 2024, the City Council held a public hearing and approved the item, 8-0-0 subject to staff's recommended conditions.


Staff recommends approval of the Special Use Permit subject to the following conditions:

1.                     The SUP shall expire after a period of 24 months beginning upon the date of adoption of the SUP ordinance by City Council if no formal application is submitted to the City for development of the site.

2.                     The uses permitted on-site will be limited to those permitted in the General Commercial zoning district and a Vehicle Fueling Station with a Convenience Store.

3.                     The site layout shall be substantially similar to that which is displayed on the site plan and elevations. This includes the parking requirements, landscaping, fencing, and elevations.

4.                     Motor fuel dispensing facilities shall be pre-wired with an approved, permanently installed and mounted generator and affixed transfer switch capable of operating all essential emergency fueling systems. Generator shall be capable of operating all essential emergency fueling system components and dispensing motor fuel safely and reliably within 24 hours after any disaster or sustained electrical outage. The generator must be capable of supplying a minimum of 150 percent of the total ampacity requirements of all the essential emergency fueling systems equipment for the power outage period during normal posted operational hours.

5.                     Light fixtures mounted on canopies or vehicle fueling station islands shall be recessed so that the lens cover is recessed or flush with the bottom surface (ceiling) of the canopy.

6.                     The base of the fueling canopy posts shall be partially covered in a material that matches the primary structure. 

7.                     Dumpster enclosures shall be screened with a masonry wall consistent with the material used on the primary structure. In addition, a continuous, evergreen hedge not less than three (3) feet tall spaced not less than three (3) feet on center shall be installed around the structure.

8.                     One monument sign shall be permitted. All signage materials must be complementary to the primary building.

9.                     Canopy signage will be calculated the same fashion as the wall signage for the building. 


1.                     Ordinance No. 2024-55

2.                     Exhibit A

3.                     Exhibit B



Planning Department

Applicant: Adil Zahoor of MAKMO Desing, LLC

Owner: KSSGH Pinnacle Park, LLC






{X} Addresses Strategic Planning Critical Success Factor #8 (Quality-Built Environment)