Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing an agreement with Sunbelt Pools, Inc., for repair and resurface of the pool at Hometown Heroes (PK2402) in an amount not to exceed $1,541,765 and authorizing $154,176 for a work change directive budget for a total construction budget of $1,695,941 (Director of Parks and Cultural Services)
Approval of this resolution will authorize an agreement with Sunbelt Pools, Inc., for construction services related to the Hometown Pool Resurfacing Project (PK2404). The 400,000-gallon pool was constructed in 2014.
Project shall include, but not be limited to, resurfacing the pool, pool deck repair, replacing swim lane tiles, replacing all LED lighting in the pool, install of pool deck coating, and Add Alternate A - remove and replace all pool floor inlets.
Three (3) bids, under RFP #25-008, were received on December 19, 2024. The three (3) sealed proposals were evaluated based on qualifications, experience, project methodology, pricing and fees, and references. Sunbelt Pools, Inc., scored the highest overall score of 287. See Evaluation Summary attachment for further detail on scoring. References were found to be acceptable.
Amstar Construction Group: Provided five (5) Independent School District projects, of which two (2) were under $30,000, company established in 2023, project experience mostly through subcontractors, listed eight (8) subcontractors.
Sunbelt Pools, Inc.: 30 years of experience, experience with municipalities and architects, listed several comparable municipal pool renovation projects in pool size and cost, listed two (2) subcontractors.
USA Construction: Proposal was marketing brochure with no specific information regarding Hometown Heroes pool, did not provide schedule or methodology towards project approach, provided experience building new Independent School District pools.
Approval of this item is in line with League City’s Strategic Planning Goal and the updated 2024 Parks, Trails, and Open Space Master Plan of providing quality community amenities.
Project is funded with 4B Funds under the fiscal 2025 Capital Improvement Project Plan. The 4B Board approved funding at the January 6, 2025 meeting after proposals were received and opened on December 19, 2024. (3-2)
1. Proposed Resolution
2. Exhibit A - Sunbelt Pools, Inc. agreement
3. Evaluation Summary
4. Intent to Award letter
{ X } Funding in the amount of $1,695,941 is available from 4B Corporation, fund 3010, with expenses charged to project expense string PK2404-CONSTRUCT-CONSTRUCT-4B
{ X } Addresses Strategic Planning Critical Success Factor - Quality Community Amenities