Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a construction contract with CFG Industries, LLC for the East Main Lift Station Improvements (WW1901E), in an amount not to exceed $2,024,250, authorizing an additional $160,000 for a Work Change Directive budget, and authorizing a construction material testing services contract with Terracon Consultants in an amount not to exceed $12,416 for a total construction budget of $2,196,666 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)
Approval of this resolution will authorize the award of the construction contract to CFG Industries, LLC for the construction of the East Main Lift Station Improvements (WW1901E) in an amount not to exceed $2,024,250 authorizing an additional $160,000 for a Work Change Directive budget and authorizing a construction material testing services contract with Terracon Consultants in an amount not to exceed $12,416 for a total construction budget of $2,196,666.
As a part of City’s on-going Annual Lift Station Improvements Program in which aging stations are rehabilitated to improve capacity if needed, operation, and reliability, this project will convert the existing dry/wet pit configuration of the East Main lift station to a standard submersible pump lift station configuration to provide more reliable service during tropical weather events. Station’s electrical system will be upgraded, wet well rehabilitated and coated, and pipes and valves replaced, among other improvements.
Five (5) sealed bids were received on May 28, 2024 (Bid No. 24-CIP-030). Based on City’s A+B bidding method and bids and contract times received, CFG Industries, LLC submitted the lowest responsible and responsive cost value bid in amount of $2,024,250, and 270 calendar days. Attached is the City’s engineering consultant’s recommendation of award with the bid tabulation.
Due to the scope of work and historic contingency expenditures for lift station improvements; staff recommends reducing the con...
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