File #: 25-0038    Version: 1 Name: Hometown Heroes Multi Purpose Floor Replacement
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 1/9/2025 In control: Information Technology, Facilities and The Ballpark
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action: 2/11/2025
Title: Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing an expenditure with NAH Sports Flooring, LLC for the replacement of the floor in the multi-purpose room at Hometown Heroes Park in an amount not to exceed $65,128 (Executive Director of Facilities, Information Technology & The Ballpark)
Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolution, 2. NAH Sports Flooring, LLC. (Covington) quote


Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing an expenditure with NAH Sports Flooring, LLC for the replacement of the floor in the multi-purpose room at Hometown Heroes Park in an amount not to exceed $65,128 (Executive Director of Facilities, Information Technology & The Ballpark)



The approval of this item will replace the floor in multi-purpose room at Hometown Heros due to water damage sustained. After Insurance and NAH Sports met to assess the damage, they both agreed that the floor needed to be replaced. 


NAH Sports Flooring, LLC, Covington was the originally installed the flooring when the facility was constructed. Given their familiarity with the installation and materials, they have been selected to complete this replacement work.


Insurance has paid for damages and the 4B Board approved the NAH Sports Flooring replacement cost of $65,128 at the February 8th, 2025 meeting.


The purchase will be made through Buy Board #737-24, a cooperative purchasing program.




Staff recommends City Council approve this resolution to authorize the replacement of the flooring in the multi-purpose room at Hometown Heros Park with NAH Sports Flooring, LLC, ensuring the continued usability and safety of the facility.




1.                     Proposed Resolution

2.                     NAH Sports Flooring, LLC. (Covington) quote



{X} Funding in the amount of $65,128 is available from the 4B Corporation Fund, fund 3010, with expenses charged to CIP project expense string RE1705F-CONSTRUCT-CONSTRUCT-4B.