Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing Third Amendment to professional services agreement with Huitt Zollars, Inc. for additional design phase services related to the SH 3 and FM 518 Intersection Improvements (ST2003) in an amount not to exceed $57,060 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)
Approval of this resolution will authorize Third Amendment to professional services agreement with Huitt- Zollars, Inc. to perform additional design phase services related to SH 3 and FM 518 Intersection Improvements (ST2003) in an amount not to exceed $57,060.
On February 23, 2021, the Council approved a professional services agreement with Huitt-Zollars, Inc. for design and construction phase services related to the SH 3 and FM 518 Intersection Improvements (ST2003) in an amount not to exceed $291,631.20. Improvements include addition of second northbound and southbound left-turn lanes on SH 3, extending the southbound right-turn lane on SH 3, lengthening the eastbound and westbound left-turn lanes on FM 518 including placing raised medians for access management, and addition of eastbound and westbound right-turn lanes on FM 518. The existing signal will also be improved. New sidewalks and trails will also be added. Project requires acquisition of nine (9) parcels which City currently acquiring. Two (2) amendments totaling $3,190 were administratively approved during the design phase.
This Third Amendment includes additional design services due to driveway changes, utility lines and pipelines coordination and updates. Other costs in the amendment are related to meeting TxDOT’s new permit requirements. They have expanded their review process and requiring additional tasks as listed below in order to secure their approval and construction permit.
Huitt-Zollars, Inc. has submitted a proposal to perform these additional design phase services for a budget not to exceed $57,060, which includes the following:
1. Task 2 - Phase A1 -...
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