Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a professional services agreement with Halff Associates for the Phase 2 design, bid, and construction phase services related to the Lobit Park Redevelopment (PK2206) in an amount not to exceed $506,960 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)
Approval of this resolution will authorize a professional services agreement with Halff Associates to perform the Phase 2 design, bid, and construction phase services related to the Lobit Park Redevelopment Project (PK2206).
The purpose of this project is to continue to upgrade City’s existing park facilities as outlined in the 2017 Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan. The 27.54-acre Lobit Park was accepted in an interlocal agreement with the Galveston County on February 8, 2022, to be operated by City of League City effective October 1, 2022. The scope of Park’s Phase 2 redevelopment will include:
• Proposed wet bottom, gravity flow detention pond on the south side of the site (estimated +/- 3 Ac)
• Proposed surface parking (approximately 69 spaces)
• Proposed multi-purpose sports field (will be lighted with natural turf)
- 1 International field (approx. 105k SF) or 2 U-12 Fields (approx. 45k SF each)
• Proposed U-12 multi-purpose sports field (will be lighted with natural turf)
• Proposed 8' wide concrete trail located adjacent to multi-purpose field and detention pond
• Proposed 38’x38’ National Fitness Campaign (NFC) fitness court or adaptive fitness court (slab only, equipment to be provided by others)
• Proposed prefabricated 20’-25’ gazebo located on existing island in the northern detention pond
• Proposed prefabricated canopy over existing post tension basketball court slab
• Proposed prefabricated restroom to accommodate two stalls minimum (unisex)
• Proposed 14’x20' prefabricated maintenance shed (similar to shed located at Hometown Heros Park)
• Site lighting for parking
• Septic system evaluation and potential expansion
Project is fu...
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