Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Sander Engineering Corporation for design, bid and award, and construction phase services related to the South Shore & Brittany Bay Water Plants - Chemical Feed Additions (WT1802E) in an amount not to exceed $133,100 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)
Approval of this resolution will authorize a Professional Services Agreement with Sander Engineering Corporation for design, bid and award, and construction phase services related to the South Shore & Brittany Bay Water Plants - Chemical Feed Additions (WT1802E) in an amount not to exceed $133,100.
The purpose of this project is to construct chemical feed systems, building with slabs, analyzers, tubing, sampling ports, flowmeters, and controls to duplicate the system at the recently constructed East Side Elevated water storage tank.
Sander Engineering Corporation will provide Preliminary Design, Final Design, Contract Bid & Award, and Construction Administration Phase services, as summarized below:
Preliminary Design $ 56,500
Final Design $ 49,000
Contract Bid & Award $ 6,800
Construction Administration $ 19,300
Reimbursable Expenses $ 1,500
TOTAL $133,100
1. Proposed Resolution
2. Exhibit A-PSAwith Proposal
3. CIP Project Sheet
4. CIP Aerial Map
5. Vendor Report Card
{X} Funding in the amount of $133,100 is available from fund 1055, Revenue Supported Cash, with expenses charged to project expense string WT1802E-PLAN DESIGN-DESIGN-RS CASH.
{X} Addresses Strategic Planning Critical