Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a two-year agreement with Brooks Concrete, Inc. for streets, sidewalks, and concrete pavement repair in an amount not to exceed $4,800,000 (Director of Public Works)
Approval of this item will authorize an agreement with Brooks Concrete, Inc. for streets, sidewalks, and concrete pavement repair for a term of two years from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2026 in a total not to exceed amount of $4,800,000, with the option to renew for (3) additional one-year periods.
On September 26, 2024 the City released ITB 24-059 for streets, sidewalks and concrete pavement repair. Four qualified bids were received on October 24, 2024. Brooks Concrete, Inc. was the lowest qualified bidder in the annual amount of $1,940,510. Bid totals are based on an estimation of historical annual production of unit price items within the bid specification. The proposed low bid in the amount of $1,940,510 is not a direct reflection of the total anticipated annual expenditure. Further detail is provided in the financial explanation below. Bid tabulation is as follows:
Brooks Concrete, Inc. - $1,940,510
Teamwork Construction Services - $3,135,250
Total Contracting Limited - $3,779,000
Cracon, Inc. - $4,303,000
The not to exceed amount of $4,800,000 for the 2-year contract period, is based on $2,400,000 budgeted for FY2025 (October 2024 - September 2025) as detailed below:
Concrete repairs due to Line Repair work ($72,100);
Streets concrete inlet repairs ($440,000);
Sidewalk Reinvestment project RE1901 ($750,000);
Street Reconstruction concrete panel repair RE1902 ($600,000);
Miscellaneous ($537,900)
Brooks Concrete, Inc. has agreed to perform all work throughout the City based on contract scope of work and pricing. Upon award of contract, Brooks Concrete, Inc. will repair concrete roadway panels, sidewalks, and incidental concrete pavement in support of the Capital Reinvestment Program. ...
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