Consider and take action on a resolution making nominations for election to the Board of Directors of the Galveston Central Appraisal District (Mayor Long)
Approval of this item will name Chad Tressler as nominee to be voted on by Galveston Central Appraisal District taxing units.
As a taxing unit in the Galveston Central Appraisal District (GCAD), the City is entitled to nominate up to five individuals for election to the appraisal district’s board of directors. Nominations must be made via written resolution that includes nominees’ names, and must be delivered to the chief appraiser by October 15, 2024. Nominees will be placed on a ballot distributed to taxing units, who will have the opportunity to vote for their preferred candidates to serve two-year terms on the Board of Directors beginning January 1, 2025.
Current Board Members are:
Donald Gartman, Chairman
Chad Tressler, Secretary
Scott Brast
Matt Doyle
Thomas E. Farmer
Warren Clark - Director, Position 1
Kathy Preseton - Director, Position 2
Dr. Will Pate - Director, Position 3
Cheryl E. Johnson, Member Ex Officio
1. Proposed Resolution
2. GCAD Letter
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{ } Requires Budget Amendment to transfer from Account #____________to Account # ___________________