Consider and take action on a resolution removing the Hidden Oaks/Calder Road Drainage Improvements Project (DR2001) from the May 2019 GO Bond project list (Executive Director of Capital Projects)
Approval of this resolution will authorize the removal of the Hidden Oaks/Calder Road Drainage Improvements Project (DR2001) from the May 2019 GO Bond project list.
In 2018, City Staff had a high-level study performed of drainage issues encountered in the Hidden Oaks Subdivision. Engineer studied 4 Alternative solutions. The engineer’s recommendation was implementation of Alternative Number 4, which would provide a clear, unobstructed drainage channel for rainfall runoff events exceeding the 1% rainfall event, reduce or eliminate the amount of rainfall runoff crossing Calder Road from the Pecan Forest Subdivision and entering the Hidden Oaks, and provide the City unrestricted access to the drainage swale for maintenance. The project was included as part of a list of potential drainage projects outlined on the City’s May 2019 General Obligation Bond Referendum and was last included in the FY2020-2024 CIP.
A design contract was entered into in October 2019. The project scope included purchase of the existing fifteen-foot (15') drainage easement located on 1119 Hidden Oaks Drive as drainage ROW. Removal and relocation of the existing fence off the drainage easement was also proposed, giving a clear, unobstructed path for the overflow rain and runoff to reach Kelly's Ditch, located behind the homes. Re-grading of the drainage swale and covering with sod or concrete was also included. During the design process, it was discovered that a home encroached into the existing drainage easement. In order to install the proposed ditch improvements, a new drainage ROW/Easement would need to be acquired. The adjusted alignment unfortunately put the ditch very close to the adjacent property owner’s garage, making them wary of agreeing to such a project. Staff t...
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