Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing an Advanced Funding Agreement with TxDOT for construction approval for the FM 518 and Wesley Street Drainage Improvements Project (DR2010) (Executive Director of Capital Projects)
Approval of this resolution will authorize TxDOT to proceed with the approval of construction plans associated with the FM 518 and Wesley Street Drainage Improvements Project (DR2010). The Advanced Funding Agreement (AFA) has no financial implications for TxDOT. The construction phase of this project is currently funded through CDBG Funds, FEMA-HMGP, and GO Bond Funds.
The project includes the installation of 5'x5' to 10x5' reinforced concrete boxes, 36-inch storm sewer laterals, and curbside inlets along FM 518, from Highland Terrace Drive to Wesley Street, and North Wesley Drive. The storm boxes and pipes will convey storm water up to a wing wall structure that outfalls to Corum Ditch. The existing roadway surface and appurtenances will be reconstructed, which includes asphalt and permanent striping. Project will improve drainage in this stretch of FM 518.
The design plans were approved by the City on August 8, 2023, pending TxDOT approval and permitting, bidding is anticipated fall of 2024.
Resolution will provide authorization to enter into a zero-dollar Advance Funding Agreement (AFA) with TxDOT to complete the review and approval and issue construction permit for the project.
1. Proposed Resolution
2. Exhibit A - Draft Advance Funding Agreement
3. CIP Project Sheet
4. CIP Aerial Map (Modif.)
{X} No Funding Required for this Resolution
{X} Addresses Strategic Planning Critical Success Factor #1: Develop and Maintain our Infrastructure