Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing the submittal of a grant application to the Department of Justice - Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program, which will partially fund the salaries and benefits for 6 full-time police officer positions (Chief of Police)
The US Department of Justice has approximately $156.6 million in funding available through the FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program. Each award will support up to 75 percent of an officer’s entry-level salaries and fringe benefits for three years within a five-year period of performance to accommodate time needed for recruitment and hiring.
There is a minimum 25 percent local cash match (cost share) requirement. The maximum federal share per officer position is $125,000 over the three-year period, (not $125,000 per year.) Any additional costs for higher than entry-level salaries and fringe benefits will be the responsibility of the recipient agency.
It is the intent of the Department to seek 6 full-time police officer positions through this grant process. The process is competitive and as such, this number can be reduced by the COPS Hiring Program if they decide to partially fund the initiative. As stated above, this grant requires the city to fund any salaries and benefits to the awarded positions in excess of $125,000 per position.
The cost breakdown is as follows:
Year One
Grant Funds to be received: $250,000
City Match: $321,078
Year Two
Grant Funds to be received: $250,000
City Match: $363,204
Year Three
Grant Funds to be received: $250,000
City Match: $377,184
Funding through this program is for additional positions to grow the agency. These positions must be in addition to our current budgeted (funded) level of sworn officer positions, and the officers must be hired on or after the official award start date on notice of the award.
Anticipated grant funding for each year is $250,000 for a total of $750,000 ($125,000 x 6 officers.) Anticipated c...
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