Consider and take action on appointments and reappointments to City boards and commissions (Mayor Long)
In August of each year the city manager solicits applications from eligible citizens through the media and other appropriate means. Those applications from incumbents who wish to be reappointed, together with applications from nonmembers are submitted to the Mayor and City Council in November.
As per Code of Ordinances, appointments to the Finance Committee, Planning & Zoning Commission, Section 4B Industrial Development Corporation and Zoning Board of Adjustment shall be voted upon on an individual basis, and shall be disclosed to all members of the city council not less than two weeks prior to the meeting at which their appointment will be considered.
The City Council will consider confirmation of the Mayor's nominations for the following boards and commissions:
Animal Shelter Advisory Committee
Community Standards Review Committee
Conflicts Resolution Panel
Finance Committee
Historic Commission
Keep League City Beautiful Committee
League City Convention & Visitors Bureau Advisory Board
League City Sunset Commission
League City Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
Library Board
Parks Board
Planning & Zoning Commission
Section 4B Industrial Development Corporation
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #4
Zoning Board of Adjustment
{ } Funds are available from Account #________
{ } Requires Budget Amendment to transfer from Account #______ to Account #______
{ } Addresses Strategic Planning Critical Success Factor # ______ and Initiative # ______