File #: 25-0050    Version: 1 Name: WW1801K Davis Road - Crows Nest 15-inch Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 1/13/2025 In control: Capital Projects
On agenda: 1/28/2025 Final action: 1/28/2025
Title: Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a professional services agreement with Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P for the design, bid, and construction phase services related to the Davis Road - Crows Nest 15-inch Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project (WW1801K) in an amount not to exceed $55,264 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)
Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolution, 2. Exhibit A - Professional Services Agreement with Proposal, 3. CIP Project Sheet, 4. CIP Aerial Map (Modif.), 5. Vendor Report Card
Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a professional services agreement with Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P for the design, bid, and construction phase services related to the Davis Road - Crows Nest 15-inch Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project (WW1801K) in an amount not to exceed $55,264 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)

Approval of this resolution will authorize a professional services agreement with Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter (BHC), L.L.P for the design, bid, and construction phase services related to the Davis Road - Crows Nest 15-inch Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project (WW1801K) in an amount not to exceed $55,264.
This project is part of a systematic evaluation and rehabilitation of sanitary sewer lines across the City. The scope includes replacing approximately 515 linear feet of an existing 15-inch gravity sanitary sewer main located within a 10-foot sanitary sewer easement along Davis Road, extending from Crows Nest to an existing lift station site.
BHC design scope includes preliminary and final design, tree protection plan, traffic control, bypassing, and stormwater pollution prevention measures. Project fees is as follows:
1. Preliminary & Design Phases $ 32,550
2. Bid-Phase Services $ 4,000
3. Construction Phase Services $ 7,000
4. Tree Perseveration Plan $ 2,739
5. Topo Surveying & Mapping $ 2,475
6. Miscellaneous Expenses $ 1,500
7. Additional Engineering (As Needed) $ 5,000
Total $ 55,264
Design is proposed at 155 days. Construction is budgeted in the CIP in FY2025 as part of the Annual Sanitary Sewer Rehab program. The current pre-design estimated construction cost is $310,000.
1. Proposed Resolution
2. Exhibit A - Professional Services Agreement with Proposal
3. CIP Project Sheet
4. CIP Aerial Map (Modif.)
5. Vendor Report Card

{X} Funding in the amount of $55,264 is available from fund 1055...

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