Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 1/14/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers 200 West Walker Street
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-0030 13A.Minutes - December 17, 2024 Regl MtgAgenda ItemDecember 17, 2024 Regular Meeting   Not available Not available
25-0012 13B.Minutes - December 23, 2024 Spl MtgAgenda ItemDecember 23, 2024 Special Meeting   Not available Not available
25-0023 16A.State Homeland Security Grant 2025Agenda ItemConsider and take action on a resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Governor's Office to seek funding through the FY2025 State Homeland Security Grant (SHSP) to support the League City Police Department’s EOD Team with needed equipment and authorizing the acceptance of such a grant if awarded (Chief of Police)   Not available Not available
24-0628 16B.Ballpark Beverage Supply ServicesAgenda ItemConsider and take action on a resolution authorizing a three-year beverage contract (RFP 25-003 Beverage Supply Services for The Ballpark at League City (Executive Director of Facilities, Information Technology and The Ballpark at League City)   Not available Not available
24-0629 16C.Ballpark Alcoholic Beverage ContractAgenda ItemConsider and take action on a resolution authorizing a three-year alcohol supply service (RFP 25-007 Alcohol Supply Service for The Ballpark at League City) in an amount not to exceed $222,000 (Executive Director of Facilities, Information Technology and The Ballpark at League City)   Not available Not available
25-0004 16D.Annual Odor Control at Smith and Butler Lane (WW2001C)Agenda ItemConsider and act on a resolution authorizing Work Change Directive 2 to the construction contract with McDonald Municipal & Industrial, Inc. for the Annual Odor Control at Smith and Butler Lane (WW2001C), in an amount not to exceed $29,530 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)   Not available Not available
25-0015 16E.Asphalts Street Reconstruction Phase 8Agenda ItemConsider and take action on a resolution authorizing a professional services agreement with HR Green, Inc. for design, bid, and construction phase services related to the Asphalt Streets Rehabilitation Project Package 8 (RE1704I) in an amount not to exceed $207,425 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)   Not available Not available
25-0016 16F.Clear Creek Ave Street Reconstruction- CDBGAgenda ItemConsider and take action on a resolution authorizing a professional services agreement with HR Green, Inc. for design, bid, and construction phase services related to the Clear Creek Ave. Asphalt Reconstruction - CDBG Project (RE2601) in an amount not to exceed $80,239.85 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)   Not available Not available
25-0020 16G.Animal Advisory Ordinance Change - 2024-59Agenda ItemConsider and take action on Ordinance 2024-59 amending the City of League City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 18, Article IV. Animal Advisory Committee to align with the State requirements outlined in Chapter 823 of the Texas Health and Safety Code - Second Reading (Chief of Police) Council approved first reading 8-0-0 on December 17, 2024.   Not available Not available
25-0005 16H.Second Reading - SUP Cell TowerAgenda ItemConsider and take action on Ordinance No. 2024-54, an ordinance adopting a Special Use Permit, SUP-24-0003 (Skyway Towers), allowing a cell tower (Communication Towers and Structures use) to be constructed on approximately 0.14 acres zoned “CG” (General Commercial), generally located along the west side of Tuscan Lakes Boulevard and along the north side of Farm to Market Road 646 (FM 646) with the cell site located approximately 1,200 feet north of the intersection of Farm to Market Road 646 (FM 646) and Tuscan Lakes Boulevard - Second Reading (Director of Planning) Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval, 4-2-0, on November 18, 2024, subject to conditions with two members absent. City Council approved the first reading, 8-0-0 subject to conditions.   Not available Not available
25-0007 16I.Second Reading - SUP Gas StationAgenda ItemConsider and take action on Ordinance No. 2024-55, an ordinance adopting a Special Use Permit, SUP-24-0004, (KSSGH Gas Station/C-Store), to allow a gas station with a convenience store (Vehicle Fueling Station use) on approximately 2.363 acres zoned “CG” (General Commercial), generally located along the west side of the Gulf Freeway South (Interstate Highway 45), with the address of 2261 Gulf Freeway, League City, Texas, 77573 - Second Reading (Director of Planning) Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval, 7-0-0, on December 2, 2024, subject to conditions with one member absent. City Council approved the first reading, 8-0-0 subject to conditions.   Not available Not available
25-0006 18A.Second Reading - SUP Stella BESSAgenda ItemConsider and take action on Ordinance No. 2024-53, an ordinance: 1) rezoning approximately 1.7 acres from “CG” (General Commercial) to “PS” (Public / Semi-Public), 2) issuing a Special Use Permit on the same property, MAP-23-0007 (Stella B.E.S.S.), to operate a Battery Energy Storage Station (B.E.S.S.), generally located along the east side of Caroline Street and south of Farm to Market Road 646 and 3) authorizing a strategic partnership agreement - Second Reading (Director of Planning) Planning and Zoning Commission failed to recommend approval 0-7-0 with one member absent on February 19, 2024 (Prior to the creation of the B.E.S.S. Ordinance). City Council approved the first reading, 5-3-0 subject to conditions.   Not available Not available
25-0009 19A.AppointmentsAgenda ItemConsider and take action on appointments to boards and commissions (Mayor Long)   Not available Not available
25-0027 19B.Appointments - CCWSCAgenda ItemConsider and take action on appointments to the Clear Creek Watershed Steering Committee (Mayor Long)   Not available Not available
25-0031 19C.Bay Area CVBAgenda ItemConsider and take action on appointments to the Bay Area Houston Convention & Visitors Bureau Board of Directors (Mayor Long)   Not available Not available
24-0630 19D.Merit-based Employment PolicyAgenda ItemConsider and take action on a resolution adopting a merit-based employment policy (Mayor Long, Councilmember Chadwell and Councilmember Saunders)   Not available Not available
25-0033 110A.Overnight Parking of Commercial Vehicles on Constellation BlvdAgenda ItemConsider and take action on a ordinance prohibiting the overnight parking of commercial vehicles along Constellation Blvd. north of Marina Bay Drive between the 10pm and 6am (Mayor Long) Sponsor requests approval on first and final reading.   Not available Not available
25-0033 1 Overnight Parking of Commercial Vehicles on Constellation BlvdAgenda ItemConsider and take action on a ordinance prohibiting the overnight parking of commercial vehicles along Constellation Blvd. north of Marina Bay Drive between the 10pm and 6am (Mayor Long) Sponsor requests approval on first and final reading.   Not available Not available
25-0018 114A.Exec Sess - Real PropertyAgenda ItemTexas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.072 Government Code - Deliberations about real property Discuss potential purchase or sale of real property interests (Assistant City Manager)   Not available Not available
25-0021 114B.Exec Sess - Economic DevelopmentAgenda ItemTexas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.087 Government Code - Deliberations Regarding Economic Development Negotiations Discuss the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect that seeks to locate, stay, or expand within the City of League City, Texas (Assistant City Manager)   Not available Not available
25-0025 114C.Executive Session - Consultation with AttorneyAgenda ItemTexas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.071 Government Code - Consultation with Attorney Consultation with City Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter, to-wit: City of League City v. Clear Creek Shores, Inc. (City Attorney)   Not available Not available
25-0034 114D.Executive Session - Consolidated Drainage DistrictAgenda ItemTexas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.071 Government Code - Consultation with Attorney Consultation with City Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter, to-wit: Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (City Attorney)   Not available Not available
25-0019 115A.Action Item ES - Real PropertyAgenda ItemConsider and take action on discussion concerning potential purchase or sale of real property interests (Assistant City Manager)   Not available Not available
25-0022 115B.Action Item - Economic DevelopmentAgenda ItemConsider and take action on the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect that seeks to locate, stay, or expand within the City of League City, Texas (Assistant City Manager)   Not available Not available
25-0026 115C.Action from ES - Consultation with AttorneyAgenda ItemConsider and take action regarding consultation with City Attorney, to-wit: City of League City v. Clear Creek Shores, Inc. (City Attorney)   Not available Not available
25-0035 115D.Action from ES - Consolidated Drainage DistrictAgenda ItemConsider and take action regarding consultation with City Attorney, to-wit: Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (City Attorney)   Not available Not available