Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Perches Land Services, Inc. for the North Landing Extension Project (ST1914) for additional relocation consulting services that increases the total compensation by $114,450 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)
Approval of this resolution will authorize an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Perches Land Services, Inc. for the North Landing Extension Project for additional relocation consulting services the amount of $114,450.
Since the completion of the final engineering design in late 2022, City has been in the land acquisition and utility/pipeline relocation phase. The acquisition of land from the U-Haul property which was closed in late March 2024, included the relocation of residents and storage units. The original consultant’s relocation services agreement in amount of $94,150, approved by Council on April 11, 2023, was based on the City’s original appraisal report which included relocation of estimated 7 RVs and 171 storage units and spaces. Upon completion of acquisition and coordination and verification of records with local onsite U-Haul manager, it was determined that there are 8 RVs, 184 storage units and spaces, and 14 businesses that must be relocated. All the relocations will follow the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act (URA). The previously unaccounted for tenants is 1 RV at a cost of $4,900 each, 13 storage units and spaces at a cost of $350 each, and 14 businesses at a cost of $7,500 each, totaling $114,450, which is the amendment amount for the consultant to provide the relocation services.
This amendment to the Professional Services Agreement will authorize consultant to complete relocation services for all impacted tenants, units and spaces, and businesses.
1) Proposed Resolution
2) Exhibit A - Amendment with Consultant’s Proposal
3) Ful...
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