Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a construction contract with ISJ Underground Utilities, LLC for the Mary Lane and Tallow Forest Service Area Connection Project (WT1904H) in an amount not to exceed $565,893.32, including a Work Change Directive budget of $56,589.00 for a total project budget not to exceed $622,482.32 (Executive Director of Capital Projects)
Approval of this resolution will authorize a construction contract with ISJ Underground Utilities, LLC for the Mary Lane and Tallow Forest Service Area Connection Project (WT1904H) in an amount not to exceed $565,893.32, including a Work Change Directive budget of $56,589.00 for a total project budget not to exceed $622,482.32. This project is part of the Annual Waterline Upgrades and Replacement project and intended to connect this neighborhood to the City of League City system and includes 3 short water lines and a small lift station upgrade and a new force main.
Mary Lane and Tallow Forest Street are long dead-end residential streets, both of which are served by a single 8-inch water line on each street that has one-way feed from FM 517. Although these streets are located within City limits of League City, the existing water lines and residents are served by Galveston County WCID #1 as out of district customers. In addition to water service, few residents on Mary Lane also have sanitary sewer service by WCID #1 via a small lift station and a force main. Galveston County WCID #1 has requested that League City connect these residents to the City’s water and sewer system by December 31, 2024, thereby removing them from Galveston County WCID #1, and the City of League City take over the billing and maintenance of lines.
The existing 8-inch water lines are proposed to be connected to the City system on the north end of the roads at Hobbs Road on the west side of Mary Lane, and at Giesler Crossing Lane on the east side of Tallow Forest. A new 8-inch line would also b...
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