File #: 25-0039    Version: 2 Name: Hometown Heroes Roof
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 1/9/2025 In control: Information Technology, Facilities and The Ballpark
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action: 2/11/2025
Title: Consider and take action on a resolution ratifying a construction contract with Liqui-Pro Industries, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $427,539.00 for roof replacement of the Hometown Heroes facility (Executive Director of Facilities, Information Technology & The Ballpark)
Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolution, 2. Exhibit A - Agreement wtih Liqui Pro, 3. Purchase Order, 4. City Manager Email to City Council, 5. Sketch of roof illustrating replacement


Consider and take action on a resolution ratifying a construction contract with Liqui-Pro Industries, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $427,539.00 for roof replacement of the Hometown Heroes facility (Executive Director of Facilities, Information Technology & The Ballpark)



The approval of this item will ratify the replacement of the majority (approximately 70%) of the roof at Hometown Heroes due to hail damage. The damage resulted in significant leaks throughout the building, including critical areas such as the stage and lobby, necessitating immediate action. The portion of the roof generally over the gym (see attached sketch) was not damaged and was not replaced.


Liqui-Pro Industries, Inc. was selected for this project as they recently completed roof replacements at the Vehicle Maintenance Facility and the Community Center under a competitive RFP process, demonstrating reliability and quality workmanship. We reached out to three other vendors for quotes and did not receive quotes.


The contract was engaged under emergency procurement provisions to prevent further damage to the facility and to ensure the public’s safety.


Insurance covered 100% of damages ($427,539), with the City's deductible of $100,000 to be paid from the 4B Corporation fund balance with insurance covering the remaining $327,539 as a reimbursement. The 4B Board approved the $100,000 expense at the February 3, 2025 meeting.



1. Proposed Resolution

2. Exhibit A - Agreement with Liqui-Pro

3. Liqui-Pro Purchase Order

4. City Manager Email to City Council

5. Sketch of roof illustrating replacement





{x } Funding in the amount of $100,000 is available from the 4B Corporation, fund 3010, with expenses charged to project expense string RE1705F-CONSTRUCT-CONSTRUCT- 4B