File #: 25-0043    Version: 1 Name: FY24 4th Quarter Budget Amendment
Type: Agenda Item Status: Second Reading
File created: 1/10/2025 In control: Budget and Project Management
On agenda: 1/28/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider and take action on an ordinance amending the City of League City, Texas, Governmental, Proprietary, and Capital Funds Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 by amending Ordinance No. 2023-28, Ordinance 2023-33, Ordinance 2023-47, Ordinance 2023-48, Ordinance 2023-49, Ordinance 2024-12, Ordinance 2024-20, Ordinance 2024-27, and Ordinance 2024-42 to adjust the operating and capital budget for actual and projected expenditures (Assistant City Manager - CFO) Staff requests approval on first and final reading.
Attachments: 1. Proposed Ordinance with Exhibits A,B,C
Consider and take action on an ordinance amending the City of League City, Texas, Governmental, Proprietary, and Capital Funds Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 by amending Ordinance No. 2023-28, Ordinance 2023-33, Ordinance 2023-47, Ordinance 2023-48, Ordinance 2023-49, Ordinance 2024-12, Ordinance 2024-20, Ordinance 2024-27, and Ordinance 2024-42 to adjust the operating and capital budget for actual and projected expenditures (Assistant City Manager - CFO)

Staff requests approval on first and final reading.

The proposed ordinance requests a net zero change to the General Fund, a net decrease of $875,000 to the Utility Fund, $220 increase to the Chapter 59 Seizure Fund, $755 increase to the Municipal Court Building Security Fund, $440 increase to the Hurricane Nicholas Fund, $1,012 increase to the Winter Strom Uri Fund, $122 increase to the COVID FEMA PA Fund, and a $2,500 increase to the Utility Debt Service Fund.

If approved, the proposed ordinance would amend the City’s FY2024 budget to incorporate proposed adjustments for:

General Fund

The following reallocations total $895,540 between departments. The reallocations between departments are required to adjust funding to meet year-end actuals as follows:

· $3,740 increase to Civic Center due to water cost ending the year over budget and being fully staffed with an offset decrease of <$3,740> from Facilities.
· $697,600 increase to Police due to separation pay (retirements) and overtime with an offset decrease of <$686,000> from Emergency Medical Services and <$11,600> from Fire Marshal.
· $66,000 increase to Accounting due to being fully staffed and an overage in professional services with an offset decrease of <$66,000> from Purchasing.
· $40,450 increase to Communications due to employee insurance elections being more than the budget with an offset decrease of <$40,450> from Non-Departmental.
· $28,200 increase to Streets & Traffic due to an overage in overtime with an offset decrease of...

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