Consider and take action on an ordinance amending the City of League City, Texas, Governmental, Proprietary, and Capital Funds Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 by amending Ordinance No. 2023-28, Ordinance 2023-33, Ordinance 2023-47, Ordinance 2023-48, Ordinance 2023-49, Ordinance 2024-12, Ordinance 2024-20, Ordinance 2024-27, and Ordinance 2024-42 to adjust the operating and capital budget for actual and projected expenditures (Assistant City Manager - CFO)
Staff requests approval on first and final reading.
The proposed ordinance requests a net zero change to the General Fund, a net decrease of $875,000 to the Utility Fund, $220 increase to the Chapter 59 Seizure Fund, $755 increase to the Municipal Court Building Security Fund, $440 increase to the Hurricane Nicholas Fund, $1,012 increase to the Winter Strom Uri Fund, $122 increase to the COVID FEMA PA Fund, and a $2,500 increase to the Utility Debt Service Fund.
If approved, the proposed ordinance would amend the City’s FY2024 budget to incorporate proposed adjustments for:
General Fund
The following reallocations total $895,540 between departments. The reallocations between departments are required to adjust funding to meet year-end actuals as follows:
· $3,740 increase to Civic Center due to water cost ending the year over budget and being fully staffed with an offset decrease of <$3,740> from Facilities.
· $697,600 increase to Police due to separation pay (retirements) and overtime with an offset decrease of <$686,000> from Emergency Medical Services and <$11,600> from Fire Marshal.
· $66,000 increase to Accounting due to being fully staffed and an overage in professional services with an offset decrease of <$66,000> from Purchasing.
· $40,450 increase to Communications due to employee insurance elections being more than the budget with an offset decrease of <$40,450> from Non-Departmental.
· $28,200 increase to Streets & Traffic due to an overage in overtime with an offset decrease of...
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