File #: 25-0060    Version: 1 Name: State Crises Intervention Program Grant - Vehicle Purchase MHU
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 1/14/2025 In control: Police
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action: 2/11/2025
Title: Consider and take action on a resolution ratifying the purchase of four new vehicles from McRee Ford in an amount not to exceed $220,759 for the League City Police Department's Mental Health Unit using funds obtained through the CI-Byrne State Crisis Intervention Grant Program (Chief of Police)
Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolution, 2. Approved DataSheet - MHU - Grant Submission, 3. Resolution 2024-026, 4. Mental Health Unmarked Vehicles Bid Tabulation, 5. City Manager Email to City Council
Consider and take action on a resolution ratifying the purchase of four new vehicles from McRee Ford in an amount not to exceed $220,759 for the League City Police Department's Mental Health Unit using funds obtained through the CI-Byrne State Crisis Intervention Grant Program (Chief of Police)

Approval of this item will ratify the purchase of four new four new vehicles, from McRee Ford, for the Mental Health Unit via funds awarded from the CI-Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program grant. League City Police Department was awarded a total amount of $311,064 from the grant and of this amount $220,759 is allowed to be allocated to the purchase of vehicles.

On February 27, 2024, Council approved Resolution Item 2024-026 under agenda item 6A authorizing the submission of the grant application to the Governor’s Office to seek funding for the State Crisis Intervention Grant Program to offset costs associated with equipping and training the department’s new Mental Health Unit.

Invitation to Bid (ITB) number 25-011 for the purchase of vehicles for the Mental Health Department was published to Public Purchase and Civic Plus on January 16, 2025. This was an Invitation To Bid (ITB) and does not require a vendor Report card. The bid was opened on January 31, 2025, and McRee Ford was the lowest bidder.

Staff’s recommendation is to ratify the award of ITB 25-011 to McRee Ford for the for the purchase of four 2024 Ford Expeditions for the Mental Health Department, in an amount not to exceed $220,759.

1. Proposed Resolution
2. Approved DataSheet - MHU - Grant Submission
3. Resolution 2024-026
4. Mental Health Unmarked Vehicles Bid Tabulation
5. City Manager Email to City Council

{X} Funding in the amount of $221,376 is available in Police Mental Health Unit Autos and Trucks account #2230000-55520, this expense is offset by revenue in Police Mental Health Unit State Grant revenue account #0100-48102.

{ X } Addre...

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